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To get access to the exclusive design catalog,
you must complete the onboarding

Step 1 of 4

Unlock Your Catalog

To provide you with better service, we would love to get to know you.

How would you like to use Hive design? (pick more than one)
What parts of your business would you like assistance in?

Form submitted!

Keep scrolling to the next step

If you have any questions, contact us via the chat. We are happy to help.

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Request Access
to Files

Step 2 of 4

Click the "Request Access" button below, and return to this page.


* Access will be granted within 24 hours pending completion of step 1.
* Make sure you request access with an email you use regularly

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Get to know
the Community

Step 3 of 4

This is your main knowledge base where we post updates, provide discounts, and where you can access the private Hive+  channel and interact with the designer.

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Review the
Seller Guidelines

Step 4 of 4
Please read carefully the following guidelines

Help us protect the Community
Make sure you sell responsibly & follow the Catalog guidelines:

Manditory Guidelines:

Make sure to adhere to the Seller guidelines of Hive products:

- Fill the CubeeTrust Royalty report at the end of every month.
- ⁠Provide proper credit to the designer whenever showcasing their design.
•⁠ ⁠Present your Hive ID at least once on each of your sale platforms.
•⁠ ⁠DO NOT distribute the files for any reason without clear permission from Cubee or the designer.

For more information, explore the License Center from your dashboard, or see Cubee's Terms & Services.


Agree to guidelines & terms, and proceed to dashboard.
Here you will get access to your design portal, and everything else Hive+ has to offer. ENJOY!

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